rental Application information

Thank-you for taking time to come and visit a house that you desire to make your home.
In order for the approval process to proceed, the following information must be documented and provided:  

  • Application, filled out completely (do not need to add bank account numbers) and signed.
  • Documentation of 60 days of income.
    *Check stubs, copies of originals is acceptable
    *Any documentation that your company’s payroll department has provided for you on their web-site that give Employment/Income Verification.
    *Asking whomever is responsible for your position to complete the “Verification of Income” form that is provided for you.
    *Previous year first 2 pages of your 1040 tax form
  • Documentation of past 2 month’s payment of rent or mortgage.
    *Referral letter from current Landlord
    *Asking your current Landlord to complete the “Resident Verification” form that is provided for you.
    *Statement from Mortgage Company showing receipt of payments for the last 2 months.
  • Credit Report
    *Every person is allowed one free credit report a year. If you don’t have one, you can go on-line and obtain one from
  • Deposit
    *When you are approved, the Deposit will be required for the move-in process to continue. If there are any pets involved, those deposits and fees are due also.
  • These are suggestions to acquire the documentation required. Only one form of documentation is required for each category.

When you have successfully compiled the information above, please connect with our team to arrange a time to meet. If you can scan the above documents and e-mail any of them, please do.

Rental Application

If you do not prefer to fill out the rental application online, download the form and fill out the information. Once filled out, you can email the information in to the property manager at

download form

Employment / Income Verification

Employee verification is used if you don't have paystubs available. You can download the form and fill out the information. Upload the form to the online application or email the form to the property manager listed on the form.

download form

Verification of Residence

If you are currently renting, download and fill out the Verification of Residence form.  Upload the form to the online application or email the form to the property manager listed on the form.

download form

ONline REntal application

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